Back to Reality

One of the things that other people don't get about having breast cancer is there is NO cure.  When you get surgery and go through chemo, once you are done, people think you are cured and life is good.  Well it certainly is great to be done with treatment and I am trying my best to make life good, but the fact the breast cancer is not curable still haunts me at times.

For the past two weeks, I have been having rib pain.  Like most other normal breast cancer gals, my mind immediately thinks "it's baaaack"!  Then I have to try to talk myself down off the reccurence ledge so I don't jump.  I have to be realistic and have it checked out by my doctors to make sure it is not a recurrence. 

What people don't get is that every little pain we get or experience, thrusts us back into the thoughts of having cancer again.  It can recur anywhere at anytime.  Some people live for years or the rest of their life with no recurrence, but many women have it come back.  How do I not get zapped back to the reality of cancer every time something hurts?  This is mentally exhausting.  What makes it harder for me is I exercise a lot so something always hurts. 

So for now, here I sit with thoughts of my reality with some rib pain.  I guess I better start calling my doctors tomorrow.  And have I mentioned lately that after all of this I am really sick of doctors?

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